Sunday, February 23, 2020

I need you.......much more than you think!

I made my way back to you today, almost after three years! Through all the crowded corridors of my mind, crossing all the nasty in lanes and by lanes, waiting patiently at the signals, against all the speeding thoughts that came my way, I landed here! 

Sometimes, in the midst of what we call life, on the busiest pathways that take the life out of us, we do get lost. I may have lost track with you like that!

Honestly, it feels good to be back with you, after many moons. Hope to ride along with you, the way we did on those good old days. Lots to share, to ponder, to contemplate, to make fun of, to complain and crib, cry over and much more to be happy about!

Life is so and so are we! No hard feelings! ‘Coz no one belongs to anyone! You to me or me to you! 

Thank you blogger for settling me back in you, when I came with a weighing heart!  Happiness is making up the mind to scribble something here!