Sunday, September 29, 2024

Be the Nice Kid, But Stay Strong and True to Yourself

Being with the youngest generation is always a rewarding experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. The rise of COVID-19 has only deepened these complexities, as gadgets have become almost like an extra limb for many kids. This increasing dependence on screens is causing disruptions at home, often leading to misbehavior and difficult attitudes. It is an ongoing challenge for the parents and teachers. Though I hadn’t blogged in a while, I felt compelled to return to the page to express my thoughts. I want to share some genuine reflections, hoping they resonate with the young minds navigating this digital age.

In school and in life, you’re going to meet all kinds of people. Some kids will be smarter than you in certain subjects, some will have the latest accessories or gadgets, and others will be stars on the sports field. But you know what? That’s perfectly fine! The world is filled with different kinds of talents, and each of us has our own unique abilities. You don’t have to be the best at everything, and you don’t need the coolest stuff to stand out.

What truly matters is who you are. Everyone has their "thing"—that special trait or talent that makes them shine. But beyond that, you have the power to choose how you treat others, and that’s where you can truly make a difference. Being the kid who’s friendly, kind, and generous, who’s always there for others, is something far more valuable than any accessory or achievement.

Be the kid who can get along with everyone, the one who is happy when others succeed. It’s easy to get caught up in jealousy or competition, but true strength lies in being supportive and celebrating the wins of others. When you lift others up, you lift yourself up too.

But there’s another side to being the “nice kid”—you also have to stay strong. While it’s important to be kind and compassionate, it’s equally important not to let others take advantage of your kindness. Being generous doesn’t mean allowing people to walk all over you. Be the kid who knows their boundaries, who can say "no" when needed, and who stands up for themselves with quiet confidence.

Remember, kindness is a choice, but so is self-respect. Be the person who does the right thing, who makes others feel valued, and who leads with empathy. But never lose sight of your own worth. You can be both kind and strong.

So, don’t worry about being the smartest, the fastest, or the coolest. Focus on being the kid who does what’s right, who treats others with respect, and who never forgets to respect themselves, too. That’s how you truly become the best version of yourself! We must help our kids comprehend this point that will prove to be a great lesson for life ahead! 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Can we take a U-turn?

It is that time of the year when we hold events that bring in vibrancy to the campus.

Taking a walk around the campus today made me realize how much we miss the loud, noisy classrooms! The once-upon-a-time noisy classrooms have become synonymous with silence. How sad!
When will this glum look vanish?
The corridors and the assembly area put on such a gloomy look. It was just suffocating to step into the library. The books that always journeyed from one hand to another, almost shed tears. They must be feeling they are ignored. The digi-boards seem to be craving for a touch! The most happening place in the campus– the playground – looks lush green, yet it seemed to tell me the painful stories of solitude. The kids’ park which echoed cheers and shouts doesn’t even seem to recognize any sound now! The deserted look of the lunch hall reminded me of the good old days there. The staff rooms which were colorful with the presence of the pretty ladies are definitely going through some serious depression. The Wisdom Tree and Gulmohur which usually smile with their yellow and red blooms don’t even bother to sway in the wind!

With an invisible virus and its attack, we took shelter in the Zoom Rooms, moving away from the classrooms! We did think it was an ESCAPE, but was it actually an escape?

When will we get back to campus with the loud cheers and gleeful faces of the Rosebuddies? When will the carnivals and exhibitions bring fun and frolic to the campus? When will we have a little chit chat while sipping the tea, before the bell rings for the next period?

Dear Corona, please go away at the earliest! We have had enough and more than enough of you! 
Please be ABSENT! 
When teachers call out your name, let us shout in chorus - 
Corona is absent, miss! 
Missing the good, old campus! Seriously!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Why should girls have all the FUN?

The real question is - Why should girls have all the FUN (in the kitchen)?

From times immemorial, women were supposed to do all the kitchen/household work. Rather, the women were made to do it. This practice had almost continued till the late 20th century when the fresh generation brought in some revolutionary changes in the system. Here and there, there popped up a few sweetheart hubbies, who really could make out the difficulties their better halves were going through. And, when we stand in the 21st century- things have changed for good, though the previous generation cannot accept most of it.

Though I am not a full-time feminist, I have traces of feminism in me, which come out while reacting to situations.

The OldGen moms never allowed their sons to try their hands at household chores. This could have probably made them feel they have something ‘extra’ in them which might have contributed to the male ego! There is no denying the fact that, to a great extent, their moms are responsible for this! They did not know much in their boyhood. But, why did they not change when they grew up?

The answer is quite simple - that had already become a way of life!

In most Indian homes, we see the women in the house tiring themselves out with the household stuff while men lace around watching TV and order ‘n’ number of cups of coffee/tea now and then! This happens even today!

Do we need our NexGen be like this?

Is it not good for the boys to know how to cook and clean?

Is it not a skill for life?

Will it not make them self-dependent, rather than becoming parasitic?

Will it not help them multitask?

There are ‘n’ number of things that you learn by managing a kitchen effectively. An added advantage is that - the skills acquired here can be useful in other spheres of life. After all, it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

If you have a son/ sons, why don’t you make them chop the vegetables, make you some coffee and teach them to cook? Will it not make them understand the difficulty you go through? Will it not help create a warmer bonding with them? Will it not give them a clear cut message on how gender discrimination can be wiped out by starting it from home?

Would you not really love it when your son makes you some good coffee or some juice? Would you not adore him for the love he mixes in it? Would you not feel contented that he understands you are tired working all day?

Why should girls have all the fun in the kitchen?

Why can’t the boys too have a bit of that FUN, wherein they acquire some good skills for life!

NewGen Moms, help out your sons to ‘grow up’ in the real sense of the phrase. Help them get transformed into men who understand their women well enough!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

......finally, I found him!

…………finally, I found him!
It had been a long search!
But then, I found him.
I thought I had eternally lost him!
But then, today morning, amidst all the trash and chaos, he came out like the ‘DEVA’ who appears from the flames when you do a ‘TAPAS’.
I am talking about Swaminathan, the cute little Swami from Malgudi. I would have read it umpteen times, believe me, he never tires me out! For long, I had been searching Narayan’s ‘Swami and Friends’, which was very much in my collection of much-loved books. But last time, when I felt like reading it, it wasn’t there. I could not really bring back to my memory if I had given it to someone for a read. I had searched the whole bookshelf, but in vain.
Swami used to come back to me during my busy schedule and I missed him every other inch. The thought of having a look at him used to energize and enthuse me, ‘coz he had been my comrade from my school days.
Awwww! How I used to love his pranks! Like I mentioned once, when Doordarshan started airing ‘Malgudi Days’ I must have been happiest person in India!
Owing to the holidays till 31st March, I went on a ‘Swachh Bharath’ HUNGAMA today and this brought him back to me.
Blessing in disguise indeed! I had to put on the masks and waded through a lot of dust, but then, he is with me today!
Just when I found him sleeping under a carton in the little room, 
I shouted ‘Eurekaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’.
Definitely, I am happier than Archimedes!
People at home came running to find who this modern-day Archimedes is!
God only knows who had dumped my Swami there! If only I could find that person, my knives would have had a good feast!
The rest of the story is very simple – I didn’t do anything else today other than being with him!
Swami, I can’t love you enough!
Needless to say, but still I would say - Simplicity, Cuteness and Intelligence personified, rather overloaded – that’s my Swami!
Thank you for coming back to my life!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

I need you.......much more than you think!

I made my way back to you today, almost after three years! Through all the crowded corridors of my mind, crossing all the nasty in lanes and by lanes, waiting patiently at the signals, against all the speeding thoughts that came my way, I landed here! 

Sometimes, in the midst of what we call life, on the busiest pathways that take the life out of us, we do get lost. I may have lost track with you like that!

Honestly, it feels good to be back with you, after many moons. Hope to ride along with you, the way we did on those good old days. Lots to share, to ponder, to contemplate, to make fun of, to complain and crib, cry over and much more to be happy about!

Life is so and so are we! No hard feelings! ‘Coz no one belongs to anyone! You to me or me to you! 

Thank you blogger for settling me back in you, when I came with a weighing heart!  Happiness is making up the mind to scribble something here!

Saturday, April 1, 2017


It is that time of the year! 

The time for closing books for a while, the time for wrapping up things for the current year, the time when there is a lot of excitement around which is associated with the much awaited vacation! I think, we teachers look forward to the vacation more than the kids, with the hope of rejuvenating ourselves.

Just a couple of days ago, I got reminded about my bloggie. There was indeed a train of thoughts that rushed by and hit me which resulted in this post today. It felt like I had got back my ‘long-lost enthu’ for jotting down something here…

For long, I had been in a mechanical mode. Plain, rotten stuff, getting repeated on a daily basis, days filled with internal chaos, still on a good try to make the ‘outside’ look happy and contended. 


Often, I used to remind myself to wait and remain stay put, till I can get hold of a ladder to get out of this messy state of mind. 

And this wait, rather the long wait, somehow is getting over. Thanks to William and Philippa for bringing in some sunshine to my days, when everything else seemed to ignore me. The days I spent with them brought in some new vigour, which I was craving for! They made me realize it is far better to be with such fictional characters rather than being with real life figures whom we give our thoughts to.  It was so much fun being with them, enjoying their quirky remarks and the love and care they shared for each other!

 Jeffrey Archer, you are the BESTEST! I can't thank you enough!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Unplugging the Phobia...

These grueling contemplations
Fetch me nothing but trouble!
Still, they cram my hours
With their ‘would be –actions’ for future!
I can see everything in RED
And I know you have to confront the worst!
I can see the whole mess,
As if in a nightmare,
More painful is to perceive
You as a 'mental captive' there!
I can only show my concern,
And keep reminding the aftermath,
Or keep watching what is to follow,
And, be grief-stricken all the while from now!
Precautions are always healthier
Than trying to cure it later!

But, if you are ready to take a plunge there,
Nothing in the whole world could ever save you!

“Throw it off!” I scream,
But, it falls on deaf ears!
Yup, it can be a puzzling thought
A fear from down the mind!
Can it be ever won?
Can I cross this ocean without fear?
Is the life-size question here!
What you need is inspiration and an ignition
Of that fire in you
With all the confidence in the world!
Yup, a plan well-laid out,
A vision well –seen,
With all the willingness,
From your heart and soul,
It can be won at any cost!
Be not in a troubled state of mind,
Nor get drowned in the pool of destructive notions,
Just step out, be bold enough to say
“I wanna do it and I WILL”!
Phobias never help you win any battle,
And, there is nothing like ‘courage’ to face it!